Jack In The Box Addresses Getting Emails ‘Hacked’ In New Super Bowl Ad

Jack In The Box usually gets one of the prized Super Bowl commercial spots as millions of viewers tune in just to see the creative ads on display during the big game.

This year, their 30-second spot revolves around Jack getting his emails hacked, as the young masterminds in the video took his prom photos, a romance novel he’s been working on, and the blueprints to his new Triple Bacon Buttery Jack.

Jack’s new burger officially released today and featured not only bacon, and bacon mayonnaise, but bacon butter as well.

I wonder if Kevin Bacon signed off on this.

A photo posted by Pete (@pham_bot) on

Yeah, who knew you can make butter out of bacon?

That’s the triple threat of bacon, and in the commercial Jack’s team assures that they can never get hacked for their bacon buttery secret, but soon after, someone comes into frame announcing that they’ve been hacked.

Jack In The Box continues the “hacking” theme in a Jackileaks web site where the hackers let you see all the contents of Jack’s emails. The site shows photos of a young Jack with a ridiculous 70s haircut, a “trends report” he was working on about bacon, and a rejected idea for a towering, 10-patty burger.

While the ad just launched on their Facebook page, the rest of the world can catch it this Sunday during the Super Bowl.

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