Inmate Creates Inventive Grill To Make Burritos For Cell Mates

In recent years social media has allowed us a more nuanced look into what it’s like to spend time behind bars. Beyond the uglier aspects of incarceration, there’s an actual community of people with jobs who use the internet and even have cell phones.
In a video by @levi_luxe shared by @funnyhoodvidz, a metal bed frame has been transformed into a makeshift grill. The grillmaster, presumably @levi_luxe, is preparing burritos for his fellow inmates. To keep the flame hot, he’s using rolls of tissue paper, which are organized on the floor beside him. The scene begs many questions, like, how is this even allowed?
Beyond the potentially unsanitary yet imaginative grill, there’s also an assortment of chips to choose from and beverages that are being chilled in an ice-filled mop bucket.
“I would tell you come f**k with our grill, but, it’s too real,” the person filming says.
The clever setup resembles their very own in-house restaurant. Instagram was certainly amused, with comments ranging from, “looks better than my high school cafeteria food,” to noticeably bewildered ones like, “I have soo many questions …. Cell phones …. ice??? Fire ?…. Someone please verify !!!”