Indulge In The Creamy Melt Of This Smoked Cheddar Hash Brown

Hash browns may be popular, but I think that they deserve more props. What breakfast food can simultaneously fuel you for the day and save you from a late night bender better than hash browns? They are definitely a top ten potato recipe, and like others, can be elevated in endless ways.
While we’re on the topic of elevated hash browns. West Hartford, Connecticut-based food truck Smetana has a smoked cheddar-filled hash brown that looks simply mouthwatering. Its crispy and flakey deliciousness was put on full display in an Instagram post by Gastro Park. The lucky customer tore the hash brown in two eagerly, revealing an oozing strand of cheddar cheese. The demonstration alone is enough to elicit salivation.
Smetana’s hash brown is filled with Grafton maple-smoked cheddar and is served with house-cultured smetana, a dairy product produced by souring heavy cream, and apple butter. It only costs $7 and can also be made vegan and gluten-free. Unfortunately, you’ll only be able to experience it if you live in or near West Hartford.
Smetana, which translates to “sour cream” in Russian, specializes in Eastern European cuisine like pierogies, schnitzels, and kielbasa. You can check out the food truck’s calendar to see where it’ll be next.