Recipe Wizard Josh Elkin Creates In-N-Out and Big Mac-Inspired Hot Dogs

Recipe wiz and Kitchen League champ, Josh Elkin, is no stranger to whipping up some magic in the kitchen. He’s cast otherworldly spells before like sausage-stuffed breakfast donuts and mac & cheese lava cake, so we know the resume.
In one of his latest recipes, he continues the program with two eye-opening flips on the traditional hot dog: an In-N-Out dog and a Big Mac dog. I did a double take as I was scrolling down the feed, all while my brain was trying to catch up with the unruly fusion that presented itself to me on my screen.
Just picturing two iconic burgers in glizzy form has happy tears cascading down my chubby cheeks. Thankfully the recipe for these are posted, as Josh Elkin is never one to hoard the jewels to himself.
We all owe you one, Recipe Champ.