IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Pre-Packaged Sriracha Popcorn

So we first spotted the magic of Sriracha Popcorn on The Oatmeal and included it as a “less hot, but a totally solid alternative to butter” addition to The Sriracha Lover’s Gift Guide. Then, we actually made some for a movie dedicated to the stuff (yes, we went there) and realized: Oh. My. Wow. We need Sriracha Popcorn all day errrr day, because it’s healthy for you, of course.

Then, we thought, damn, we wish we had some right meow. So here it is again for all of you who might of missed it the first time. For those of already in the know, sorry I’m not sorry.

J&D’s Sriracha Popcorn $32 (12 Pack) @Amazon

H/T Incredible Things

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