This IKEA Bowl Can Apparently Set Your Food On Fire

If you’ve got a BLANDA BLANK serving bowl from IKEA at home, be careful as it could accidentally set its own contents on fire.
Facebook user Richard Walter posted this viral video showing the bowl causing a piece of paper to go up in smoke after he accidentally discovered that when he put some grapes in the bowl, the twigs began to catch fire.
While it may seem like this bowl just has the ability to spontaneously combust what’s inside, it actually takes an odd sequence of events to cause this to happen. The bowl’s shiny stainless steel has to reflect the sunlight directly into the center to generate enough heat to ignite whatever’s in the center of the bowl. If that does happen, though, watch out.
IKEA has been notified of this potential fire hazard, according to The Local. They’ll be conducting additional safety tests on the product, but in the meantime, be careful with those bowls, y’all.