How to Open a Food Truck [INFOGRAPHIC]

There is a food truck for everything now a days, so why not learn how to start one up yourself?
To trivialize the successful operation of a food truck, or any business for that matter, into the confines of a simple infographic is a lofty task. While there’s plenty of research to be done, the included graphic, inked by MatadorNetwork, covers some key high concepts involved with the opening up of a mobile food cart that are well worth your time to understand — interesting to a customer, and essential for a potential food truck entrepreneur.
Some choice topics get covered include choosing your menu, hiring a staff, marketing with social media, and choosing locations. The overall tone to running a successful food truck ends up getting summarize into three main concepts: “a killer menu, great locations, and technology.”
Good luck on your future food truck endeavor. If you have any questions, they’ll happily get fielded in the comments: