How to Make Wasabi Pea Chocolate Truffles

My visits to the liquor store have become more frequent as the variety of food-flavored alcohol has increased. I just love looking through the mini-bottle section, wondering, “What do I want my booze to taste like today?” (Hint: the answer is never “booze.”) Glazed Donut Vodka Tonic? Yes, please!

So when I found a bottle of wasabi-flavored vodka, I knew I had to try it out. On its own, it was not for me, but luckily, I discovered an even better use for it: wasabi pea truffles.


 Wasabi Pea Truffles
(adapted from Desserts 4 Today)


  • 6 oz. white chocolate
  • 6T butter
  • 9.9 oz. wasabi peas (a tall can of Hapi wasabi peas)
  • 50 ml Oddka Wasabi Vodka


  1. Pulverize an entire can of peas in food processor. (Should make about 2 cups).
  2. Heat white chocolate and butter together in microwave until just melted.
  3. Stir wasabi vodka into the chocolate/butter mixture.
  4. Mix 1 ½ cups of processed peas into the chocolate mixture and chill in the fridge for 20 minutes, stirring twice.
  5. Scoop wasabi pea truffle goop into 2t-sized balls and roll each ball in the remaining crushed peas until fully coated.
  6. Return to fridge until set.

I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised with what you end up with. Not only does the white chocolate subdue the flavor of the peas, it also tempers the wasabi’s usual kick to your nostrils. You can certainly still taste the heat, but now it’s manageable for picky palates.

Oh, and remember, there are vegetables in them, so they’re good for you. Probably.

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