7 Million Pounds Of Hot Dogs Recalled For Containing Bone Fragments

Photo courtesy of the USDA.
We know that hot dogs are often made up of different cuts of meat, but there’s one part of the animal that we’d rather not be in there: Bones.
Unfortunately, at least one person found out the hard way that their frankfurters had pieces of bone inside, and a massive recall of hot dogs across the country has begun as a result.
By “hard way,” I mean that someone bit down into a hot dog with the extraneous material inside and suffered a minor oral injury as a result. It was reported to the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) Consumer Complaint Monitoring System, and traced back to Marathon Enterprises, Inc. They then initiated a massive recall of nearly 7.2 million pounds of their products dated between March 17 and July 4, 2017. Check here for a full list of products and product labels to see if you have any of the affected hot dogs.
While the USDA hasn’t officially posted a list of stores that carry the affected brands and products, if you find a pack of these sausages in your fridge, throw them away or return them to where you bought them immediately. Trust me, you don’t want to crunch down on some bones while sinking your teeth into a hot dog.