Hidden Valley Ranch Is Selling A Fridge With A Lifetime Supply Of Dressing

Depending on where you shop, an average bottle of Hidden Valley Ranch dressing can cost about $3-$4. You’re probably restocking on it once a month or so, meaning that after 5-6 years, you could spend $1000 on ranch alone.
If you found yourself being described in the above paragraph, consider this fridge that comes with a “lifetime supply” of Hidden Valley Ranch an absolute discount. If you heard someone you know being described, it could be a mind-boggling gift for them.
For the holidays, Hidden Valley Ranch has created a fridge bundle that chucks in a huge shipment of ranch that covers you over at least the next few years, if not longer.
The 24-inch fridge has plenty of room to stock whatever you want inside, but it also comes with a massive stockpile of ranch dressing. For $900, you get a significant quantity and variety of Hidden Valley Products delivered.
This includes a full case of Secret Sauce, a case of Hidden Valley Ranch blasted, a case each of Fiesta Ranch and French Onion Dips, plus 2 cases of the OG ranch dressing. That’s just in the first year, and you’ll also get 25 bottles of different flavors of ranch delivered each year through 2024.
To cover you beyond that, the purchaser will receive a $600 cash or gift card payout in 2025 to get ranch beyond that timeline.

This gift bundle is extremely limited, as only three of them are available to purchase for the holiday season. If you’re gonna go in on this, you’ve got until December 31st or when three units sell (whichever comes first) to do so.

For those looking to gift something not as extravagant, there are also customizable ranch bottles, paraphernalia, and even dog toys up for sale on Hidden Valley Ranch’s website.