8 Wild Containers Only Ranch-Obsessed Folks Would Fill With The Dressing

Hidden Valley Ranch is no stranger to colossal creations, as they’ve engineered a massive ranch Magnum, kegs, and even a ranch “fondue fountain” in the past. Their latest undertaking, however, may be one of the largest to date.

Recently, Hidden Valley Ranch celebrated National Ranch Day by challenging anyone to come to Las Vegas’ New York – New York Hotel & Casino with a container of choice. At a location marked by a 24-foot-tall bottle of the dressing, they would fill literally ANY vessel you could think of.

Of course, many took this as a challenge to go as wild with their creativity as possible, generating as many wowed faces as they did laughs. These were just some of the more zany ideas folks brought to the table.

Kiddie Pool

While I’m slightly bummed this kid didn’t come fully decked in board shorts and flip flops, he did come away with literally enough ranch dressing to swim in.

Protein Powder Container


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Can you use ranch dressing to bulk up? Maybe if you quaff it like this guy. If he did in fact have protein powder inside there, he may have found an innovative new way to get his gains.

Party Helmet

Foodbeast’s own Elie Ayrouth got in on the action with a guzzler helmet that looks like it came out of Team Fortress 2. Honestly, I’m impressed by his breathing skills now, since he was able to suck ranch all the way through that tube.

Massive Light Bulb


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You know those giant light bulb-shaped boba glasses that went viral a couple of years back? This genius found a clever way to repurpose hers: use it to stock up on a massive supply of ranch. Now that’s a light bulb of an idea shining with brilliance.

Ranch Beer Bong


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The real container of ranch here wasn’t the beer bong: It was the champ who took down as much dressing as possible while guzzling it through his chugging contraption.

Margarita Yardsticks

When in Vegas, you know one of these iconic glasses are bound to show up somewhere. For many hoping to stock up on ranch, this was one of the more convenient glass options available on the Strip.

Giant Popcorn Bucket


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Foodbeast’s own Geoff Kutnick got the right idea. Next movie night, forget the popcorn, because I’m filling the bucket up with ranch and using it like a massive fondue fountain that anyone can dip stuff in. I wonder how the resulting ranch would taste afterward?

Ranch Shower

You almost won the entire day with this move, my man. Going all in to take a massive bath in ranch, and even scrubbing yourself from head to toe in the process? I’m not sure anybody can compete, really.

Although, there is this guy who won the day by drinking out of the biggest container of them all…


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Congrats, dude. You officially won the ranch-loving side of the internet.

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