Here’s How to Make the Ultimate 3-Layer Girl Scout Cookie

It’s Girl Scout Cookie season! I’d ask you which flavors you think are the best, but I already know your answer: Thin Mints, Samoas, and Tagalongs. Out of those three, I’m fine with you having a favorite; however, my question to you is (say it with me now): “Why choose?” Make these Ultimate Girl Scout Cookies — three chocolaty layers of GS’s finest — and you will never have to make that choice again.

Meta Girl Scout Cookie

The Ultimate Girl Scout Cookie



Bottom Layer:

  • 1.5 sleeves of Thin Mints
  • 4oz semi-sweet chocolate chips

Middle Layer:

  • 1 box of Samoas
  • 2oz semi-sweet chocolate chips

Top Layer:

  • 1 box of Tagalongs
  • 1.5oz peanut butter chips



  1. Line a 9×9 pan with non-stick foil (non-stick foil side up).
  2. Crush Thin Mints in food processor.
  3. Heat Thin Mint crumbs in microwave until the chocolate gets a little melty (30-second increments).
  4. Melt semi-sweet chocolate chips in microwave.
  5. Combine melted chocolate and crushed cookie and spread evenly onto bottom of foil-lined pan.
  6. Let cool to room temp. (You can speed things up a bit by sticking it in the fridge for 15 minutes, but you don’t want it to get too cold or else the layers may not stick together.)
  7. Repeat Steps 2 through 6 with Samoas and corresponding chocolate chips.
  8. Repeat Steps 2 through 6 with Tagalongs and corresponding peanut butter chips.
  9. Remove from pan and cut into bite-sized pieces. (I got around 48).

Whaaaaaat??? Talk about a trifecta of amazing. Here’s how it will play out in your head when you bite into one of these meta-cookies: “Hey, that’s minty! Oooo, peanut butter! And . . . is that coconut?!? THIS IS AWESOME!” Aren’t you glad you didn’t give up sweets for Lent?

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