Here’s How To Make A Vegetarian Version of In-N-Out’s Double Double

In-N-Out has one of the most celebrated customizable menus in the fast food game, but when it comes to vegetarian options from the West Coast burger chain, the pickins are slim. Lucky for us, it’s surprisingly very easy to capture that sought after In-N-Out flavor and keep things looking, feeling, and tasting meaty, all while keeping it wholly vegetarian.

It’s all thanks to black beans.

Using some minimal effort, a bit of ingenuity, and a passion for keeping our vegetarian friends looped into the In-N-Out flavor pool, we present to you a Black Bean Double Double you can make in less time it would take you to actually have to wait in the drive-thru line:


The Black Bean Double Double

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  • Hamburger buns
  • 15-oz can of black beans
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 onion
  • Cheddar cheese slices
  • Thousand island dressing
  • Lettuce
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup bread crumbs
  • Olive oil
  • Garlic


Throw your beans, garlic and a little oil into a blender until you’ve got a thick paste.


Pour your bread crumbs into a bowl and add your bean paste. Add one whole egg and the egg white from a second egg to your mixture. Mix everything together thoroughly. You may need to add more breadcrumbs until your bean mixture is thick enough to mold.


Form your black bean mixture into four separate patties. (You only need two, but it’s always nice to have back-ups.)


In-N-Out’s famous grilled onions


Finely dice a whole onion and throw it on a pan with about a tablespoon of oil. Cook until the onions have browned a little and then add a few tablespoons of water. The onions should absorb the water and become translucent. Continue cooking until the onions are a rich brown color and remove them from heat.


Now it’s time for your patties.


Place your patties on a frying pan on medium to high heat with about two tablespoons of olive oil.


Cook one side for about two minutes and then carefully flip the patty over. Place a slice of cheese on top of each patty so that it melts.


Finally, the stack.


On the bottom bun, spread a layer of thousand island and top it with a tomato slice. On top of the tomatoes, add a bed of lettuce for your greens. Place your first patty on top of the lettuce and add your grilled onions.


To make it the perfect Double Double, you’re gonna need your second patty. Carefully place your second patty onto the burger and top it off with your bun.


Now you can enjoy the deliciousness of In-N-Out’s Double Double without having to ever touch meat.


The entire process takes less than 30 minutes once you have all your ingredients together.


That’s about the same time as a round trip to your local burger spot:

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