Here’s a List of 17 Edible Babies for Mother’s Day, Just Because

17. These babies just came out of the oven:
Picthnx Lilsugar
16. There’s no way to sugarcoat it, this is a candy fetus:
Picthnx Stupid
15. But if eating fetuses isn’t your thing, there’s always the miracle of childbirth cakes.
PixThnx Cakewrecks
14. Because nothing says “Happy Mother’s Day” like “I want to eat your stomach and your spawn,” right?
PixThnx Cake wrecks
13. Okay then. Moving on.
12. Ain’t nothing wrong with a basketful of edible adorable infants.
11. Just like there’s nothing wrong with putting baby heads on sticks.
10. And using the leftover bodies as party snacks.
9. Or wrapping them in shrink-wrap and selling them during nap time.
Picthnx Popsugar
8. There actually seems to be a pretty big market for edible napping infants.
Pixthnx Pikdit
7. Like this one.
PixThnx Youtube
6. Or this one.
PicThnx LilSugar
5. Or these.
4. And just when you thought that things couldn’t get any creepier than this . . .
3. This happens.
2. At least you’ll always have bacon.
1. Always.