Here’s a DIY Homebrewing Robot You Control With Your iPhone

Let’s face it, not everyone is lucky enough to have their genius high school chemistry teacher to help them make it in the DIY business. But Brewbot gets pretty damn close.
Consider it your personal beer fairy godmother. Designed by Irish design company Cargo for home-brew aficionados, Brewbot is capable of “memorizing” a variety of different beer recipes, both provided by Cargo and user-uploaded. From those recipes, the machine then knows “how much water, how to heat it, pulls all the sugars, all very accurately depending on the beer,” says Chris McClelland, Co-Founder of Cargo.
It’s not all automated though. Fast Company reports that while much of the process is controlled via the Brewbot iPhone app, the system still requires aspiring homebrewers to add their own grains and hops and come up with their own recipes if they’re looking for a little more creativity. An Android version is also in the works.
Perhaps best of all, however, is how sleek the whole thing looks. Taking a page from the Apple school of design, Brewbot is all stainless steel and only about the size of two refrigerators. “Our aim,” the Brewbot Kickstarter reads, “is to bring brewing out of the garage and into the home.”
Brewbot officially reached its Kickstarter funding goal on Tuesday, so future Brewbotters can expect to see their new robot friends out and about by summer 2014. Pre-orders are still available at the Brewbot official website for £1,700.00.
H/T Fast Co + PicThx Brewbot