Here is How to Make 2-inch Ice Balls For Your Whiskey

How bad do you hate drinking whiskey and having that ice dilute way faster than it takes to finish your drink (you’re drinking it too slow)? A few minutes in, you’re now drinking water-whiskey, and if you’re already having a hard time getting your drink down, diluting it with water isn’t making it taste any better.
That’s where the Roller Rock Glass comes in, a consumer-version of what some high-end restaurants and bars use to create oversized ice balls that tend to keep your drink cooler, longer, and with less dilution. According to the product’s description, due to the unique shape of the ice ball, the ice melts slower and cools your drink faster.
The unit itself sits 4″ tall and uses an ice mold that kicks out 2″ ice balls. ($21.95 @ HomeWetBar)