Here Are 6 Foods That Will Make You Smarter [VIDEO]

During my formative college years (hah), I spent half my days trying to study, and then the final hours prior to those big tests loading up on things I heard were brain foods. Peanuts were good, right? Right. So I often jumped over to the vending machine, bought Peanut M&Ms and the biggest bag of salted almonds I could find. Smart, eh? Not really.

Looks like I was eating pretty naively trying to prepare for those tests, but thankfully the folks at have put together a cute little video that shows off 6 brain foods that could ultimately help you get a higher score on that next test.

Did you know that the capsaicin in pepper will lower your stress? Cayenne peppers contain a compound that makes your brain release calming endorphins. Or that eating Kale can lower your brain age by 1 to 2 years? Damn, if I was still in school, I might start each test off with a kale, cayenne lemonade…doesn’t sound too bad:

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