Heinz Finally Finds The Sailor Who Survived Being Lost At Sea By Eating Ketchup

Some weeks back we shared the news about Heinz and their search for Elvis Francois, a sailor who miraculously survived at sea for nearly a month, after being swept away by a large current. In an amazing tale of resourcefulness and sheer will, Francois managed to endure the ordeal by combining water with ketchup, and eating that along with packets of seasoning.
Rationing those few items, Francois was fortunately discovered by a pilot that happened to pass overhead, notifying a nearby naval ship. Upon rescue, his story went viral, capturing the hearts of people around the world. The spread was so far and wide, that Heinz caught wind of it. In response, they put out a search for Francois to reward him with a brand new boat.

Now it looks as if Heinz has successfully located Francois and put in motion their plans to ensure he received his new vessel. In a record-breaking social media post that reached 4.8 million people and garnered over 4K likes, they managed to find Francois on the Caribbean island of Dominica.
With the help of local reporters from the Dominica-based EmoNews, Heinz got into contact with Francois to coordinate the best way to deliver the boat, as well as offer additional support for him and his family.