Here’s What The Internet Would Do With 20 Tons Of Nutella Hazelnut Spread

Last week, about 20 tons of Nutella were stolen from a truck in Germany. Authorities were baffled as to where all that hazelnut spread could have gone, or why so much was needed. The Nutella heist happened some time between Aug. 12 and Aug. 13. in the town of Neustadt, which resides about 120km from Frankfurt.
According to CBS Chicago, the stolen spread is valued at about $82,000. Neustadt police warn locals to be wary of someone offering them large quantities of chocolate through “unconventional channels.” Instances like this should be reported it to the authorities immediately.
User The-Potato-Lord posed a question on Reddit, in the wake of history’s biggest Nutella caper, asking:
If you suddenly came into the possession of 20 tons of Nutella, what would you do?
As a result of the call to action, we’re left with some pretty impressive options. Because who doesn’t dream of getting their hands on this plethora of sweet Nutella?