Ingeniously Easy Halloween Food Hacks, Including Turning a Tangerine Into a Pumpkin

‘Tis the season for Halloween merriment!
We’re all about boozin’ and enjoying the Halloween festivities, but when it comes down to decorating or creating anything of actual Halloween-related ambience, we need simple ideas. Really simple ideas.
That’s why we’ve put together these three uber-cute, incredibly simple Halloween food ideas you can make regardless of your skill level, and all of them make it seem like you’re a regular Pinterest showgirl:
Turn a Tangerine Into an Edible Pumpkin
Just peel your tangerine and stick a sour candy straw in as the stem!
Turn Your Bananas Into Ghost Bananas
Peel banana, cut it in half for a flat base, then stick in chocolate chips of varying sizes (pointed side in) to make a ghost face
Slice and Gut Your Pumpkin to Make a Dope Beer Cooler
Slice a pumpkin of whatever size you want your cooler to be,
gut it, pour in ice and beer