Grow An Entire Salad, Year-Round, In Your Home
Windowfarms is a company that specializes in vertical hydroponic farms for your living space and is especially great for people who live in urban communities that don’t have easy access to fresh fruits and vegetables.
It’s a nifty contraption that allows you to grow a variety of healthy fruits, leafy vegetables, and herbs without getting your hands dirty. Homemade versions of this system have been around for a while, and an open source how-to is still available on
But now you can buy a commercially manufactured version starting this weekend. It comes in single or multiple columns and ranges anywhere between $119.95 – $349.95. Unfortunately, it won’t be delivered until March since its $250,000 Kickstarter funding campaign just went through.
The investment seems a little high to start with, but I’m sure it will pay off in no time. It’s an economical way to get fresh food as well as develop a new hobby.
Watch and see how it works: