Of Course Gordon Ramsay Would Have The Best Hand Wash Tutorial

Between Masterclass demonstrations, YouTube tutorials, and stunning exhibitions of his cooking prowess on any of his successful TV shows, Gordon Ramsay’s skills in the kitchen and the way he demonstrates and teaches them are a sight to behold. The decorated chef and restaurateur is effortless when mentoring the world in cooking and that genius also extends to teaching us how to wash our hands.
Due to the heightened urgency to wash our hands in the midst of this covid-19 pandemic, hand washing tutorials have become the norm everywhere you look. The Center for Disease Control advises to “wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.”
As seen in the Instagram post from Ramsay’s account, the fiery chef can also whip up a mean hand wash how-to, all while raising awareness for it through the use of the hashtag #nhshandwashchallenge, with the NHS portion referring to the United Kingdom’s National Health Service.