Google Can Now Tell You How To Mix A Drink
You know those topic summaries and quick answers you get along with your Google search results? Well, starting today, the company just added cocktail recipes to their repertoire.
This new feature is the latest to spawn from Google’s Knowledge Graph, which launched in May 2012, telling you about that actress in that one film or how to make peanut butter without having to click on another link.The results are pulled from various, high-ranking websites to ensure the answers represent the general consensus about that topic, or, in this case, cocktail recipe.
The company has been paying attention to users’ search queries and with the high volume of cocktail recipes searched for last year, as well as the resurgence of mixology, this addition makes perfect sense.
Type or say “How do I make a Tom Collins?” or simply “Tom Collins recipe” into any version of the search engine and you’re ready to start drinking recklessly responsibly.