Ready to Have a Robotic Buddy Help You Shop for Groceries?

Between the surge in popularity of electric vehicles to robots serving burgers, it’s quite apparent we are now living in the future. Today our lives revolve so much around technology, with new norms being accepted at an accelerated rate. But are we ready to have a little robotic buddy following us around to help us with our shopping?

Enter Piaggio Fast Forward, a robotics company that “builds technology products that move the way people move,” and is now selling gita and gitamini, a “first-of-their-kind cargo-carrying robots.” According to the site, the robots follow you around and communicate through colored lights and lighting patterns. It’s like we’re finally living in a Pixar movie, friends, and I’m here for it.

If you check out the clip above, Chef Jordan Andino of Flip Sigi in New York City uses his gitamini out on a trip to the local farmer’s market. As we can see, the gitamini is convenient for carry and storage capabilities without having to fuss over multiple shopping bags and surely takes out the strain of lugging around groceries or any other cargo.

Piaggio Fast Forward indicates on their site that the gita is 40lb and has a capacity of 2630 in3 or approximately 10 days worth of groceries for one person. The gitamini clocks in at 20lb, with a capacity of 990 in3 or around 5 days worth of groceries for a single person.

As someone living in a walkable city, this comes in clutch and would surely take a load off my next shopping trip. But as any other downtown dweller knows, I have to ask — would the gita be able to avoid dog poop? I’m positive likeminded folks would love to know.

If you’re ready to step into the future with a robotic shopping companion check out more on Piaggio Fast Forward’s site.

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