Girl Sneaks MASSIVE Bag Of Food Into A Movie Theater Like A Boss

We’ve all been guilty of sneaking food into the movie theater at some point or another, but this easily takes the cake as the greatest movie food caper of all time.
Instagrammer Ekow Fynn (@Cotdammitelizabeth) and his girlfriend Elizabeth were just going on an innocent trip to the movies, but Elizabeth apparently was in full cheat day mode. She brought along an enormous pink bagĀ that could’ve fit at least four other purses inside solely for the purpose of sneaking in a smorgasbord of movie eats.
We get to see Elizabeth reveal her entire armada of junk food for the movie and eat a ton of it, shocking us as to how much you can actually fit inside that bag. The usual cast of movie food characters was there, like popcorn, candy, and pizza. But, as we find out later in the video, Elizabeth truly thought of everything when she packed her movie luggage. That popcorn, candy, and pizza was merely the tip of the iceberg. Trust.
The couple did confirm that the video was shot in the back of the viewing area so that nobody else in the theater was disturbed by their antics, but it’s still crazy that Elizabeth managed to sneak in all of the calories she did.