‘Girl on Fire’ Ice Cream Shooter, Peeta’s Cheese Buns and Other Hunger Games Inspired Recipes

Chances are like most normal people, you’ve grown out of your Hunger Games craze by now and probably couldn’t tell Glimmer from Foxface, but the truth is, I really don’t give a flying mutt. The truth is, the DVD comes out this weekend, as most fans already know, and the truth is, title to the contrary, the “Hunger” Games trilogy is actually filled with plenty of impossibly delicious-sounding eats that would make the mouths of even the richest Capitol kids water.

From the cine-culi-matic minds of the girls of Cinema and Spice, here are a few Hunger Games-inspired video recipes that would convince almost anyone to volunteer as taste-testing tribute:

Mellark Family Cheese Buns:

Or: scientific proof that Peeta Mellark is the best boyfriend ever.


Haymitch’s Smashed Potatoes:

Because Haymitch approves of food puns.


Capitol’s Finest Lamb Chops:

Because yum?


‘Girl on Fire’ Ice Cream Shooter:

And finally, some flaming alcohol, to help get you through the deaths of Rue and Cato and pretty much anything and everything you love.

The Hunger Games comes out on DVD Saturday, August 18th; Catching Fire to release November 2013.

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