YouTubers Create Giant Hot Pockets, One Stuffed With White Castle Sliders
Have you been cooking the same thing over and over during this stay at home period and feeling a little uninspired? Maybe an outlandish recipe, birthed from a popular frozen food you probably have in your freezer will spark some culinary inspiration.
Jula and JP over at HellthyJunkFood are at it again and this time, the two YouTube chefs set out to create a dish their fans have been requesting for years: A Giant Hot Pocket.
The two set off, going head-to-head to see who can create the better Pizza Hot Pocket.
While Julia took a more traditional approach with sauce, pepperoni, and cheese, JP went with a more unconventional method creating a pocket stuffed with frozen White Castle Sliders. Both looked fantastic, and they’ve even went as far as creating a custom Hot Pocket branded sleeve for their creations.
Check out the video to see exactly how it went down. Man, watching this makes me seriously crave a slightly-burnt Hot Pocket dunked in creamy ranch. Yes, that would do nicely.