Get in the Passover Spirit With This Matzo iPhone Case

Remember the rice cracker iPhone case a few months back? That was awesome stuff. The thing is, edible accessories can be dangerous when the munchies attack, for obvious reasons. But since cracker cases are strangely cool (and Passover is right around the corner),we’ve come across another appropriate option for such a tasty accessory — the Matzo/Matzah iPhone Case.
Etsy user SealedWithaCase has created this inedible but super realistic case that fits iPhone 4, 4s and 5 models. And while you probably shouldn’t gnaw on the thing, don’t worry — the flaky-looking phone protector will garner all sorts of jealous looks. Trust us.
Passover Matzo/Matzah iPhone Case $18 @Etsy
H/T Etsy