15 Ways to Use Pizza Crusts Since Most of You Throw Them Away Anyways
Pizza crusts are the untapped natural resource of the fast food world. So many people either eat them or throw them away, completely missing the fact that pizza crusts can also be used…
1. As a greasy hairbrush.
2. To balance out an uneven table.
3. A terrible electrical outlet.
4. As a cigar.
5. To play fetch with your stuffed animal beloved pet.
6. As a doorstop.
7. As a the world’s worst boomerang.
8. A horrible ping-pong ball.
9. As a bookend for your six copies of “The Endless Waltz”
10. As a dildo (if you don’t have one of these).
11. To hold your toilet paper roll.
12. As a sponge.
13. As a Chinese Finger Trap.
14. As a telescope.
15. As a straw.
Moral of this story: don’t throw your old crusts away after you’ve finished gnawing on them. That sh*t’s useful.
PicThx to Dominique Zamora