Foursquare Tries to Lift Us from Game of Thrones Depression with ‘Game of Cones’

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Game of Thrones mourners in San Francisco and New York, brace yourselves. Good news is coming. Foursquare has released a new in-game app called Game of Cones. The concept is simple, but brillant, considering the only way to soothe our grief and cool our rage is ice cream. Obviously. Between June 7th and June 21st, check in at any of the participating ice cream shops in the New York or San Francisco areas with the hashtag #GameOfCones. The shop with the most check-ins (cough House Bi-Rite cough) wins the Iron Cone . . . which appears to be an ice cream cone that will shred the roof of your mouth while you try to enjoy your dessert.

Sounds just like the show, doesn’t it?

H/T Laughing Squid + PicThx Foursquare

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