First World Problems With Pringles Are #AlmostSolved

Pringles have a stereotypically addictive profile. Something about the shape, the taste, the can it comes in — everyone has their reason for “Popping…and not stopping.” One of the longest standing points of conversation about Pringles has been the shape of the can, and the trouble snackers have to start fisting the cylinder to get to the bottom half of the container.
Could we be getting one step closer to solving that problem? While not all elements have been completely thought out, but the following idea is novel enough that it might spark an engineer to further delve into the situation:
That’s right. The same twisty system that has proven so successful with stick deodorant over the years…someone has Photoshopped onto the bottom of a Pringles can. As mentioned earlier, the problem isn’t necessarily solved…we get the joke.
But the discussion can still be had…what’s next? Do we put holes in the Pringles and make this image a reality?
Engineers, help!