Firefighters Rescue Piglets From Barn Fire, Only To Have Them For Dinner Later

Do you smell that? Yep, that’s the savory aroma of irony being cooked over an open fire.
BBC News in the UK reports that firefighters in Wiltshire, England saved two sows and a litter of 18 piglets from a barn fire caused by an electrical issue. How exactly do you show gratitude to the people who saved your livestock? Well, serve it back to them of course!
Six months after the incident, Rachel Rivers, manager of the Milton Libourne farm showed her thanks by not sending those little piggies to the market, but instead sending them to the men of Pewsey Fire Station — in sausage form, of course.
Photo By: Pewsy Fire Station Facebook Page
The firefighters posted a picture of the sausages being barbecued on their Facebook page, which subsequently received some backlash from the community. They have since removed the photo.
PETA caught wind of the incident and spokeswoman, Mimi Bekhechi was quoted saying “We’ll be sending them packages of vegan sausages so that they can see how easy it is to truly be heroes for pigs – by sparing them all suffering.”
Not that it really matters or anything, but the firefighters said that “the sausages were fantastic.”