Fight Hunger by Moonlight with Sailor Moon Chopsticks

As much as we’d love to believe otherwise, there really isn’t any room in our healthy, adjusted adult lives for Sailor Moon toys. Luckily, these gorgeous Sailor Moon-inspired chopsticks by Bandai aren’t toys — they’re dining utensils!
Now you can pig out on your favorite odango (dumplings) with the same magical scepters used by your favorite odango-atama (“dumpling-head”). The pink wooden accoutrements come with three different toppers: Sailor Moon’s “Moon Stick,” from the first season; the “Cutie Moon Rod,” from the second season; and Sailor Mini-Moon’s “Pink Moon Stick,” from the third season.
Best of all, each topper can be removed, so you can totally throw the chopsticks in the washer while you go off to talk to cats, twirl around naked for 30 seconds, and throw sparkly confetti at bad guys.
Sailor Moon Chopsticks: available online from Bandai for $15 each; delivery expected for March.
H/T + Picthx Rocket News