Watch This Guy Try To Hand-Feed Donuts To Police Officers
Whether you saw it in Chief Wiggum‘s love for Lard Lad, or Gabriel Iglesias‘s hilarious Krispy Kreme joke, you’re probably familiar with the old stereotype involving donuts and law enforcement.
Comedian Nick Antonyan, with his Jonah Hill-like, charming good looks, has a series called “Feeding Strangers,” and while he has hit the streets before, trying to randomly feed folks bananas, Nick took it to the next level by approaching police officers with donuts in hand.
It didn’t exactly go according to plan, as apparently Los Angeles officers don’t like donuts much, rejecting him again and again.
“I was terrified,” Antonyan said. “It took me over an hour and a half to grow some balls and approach a cop.”
With a bit of nervousness within, Nick still hit the streets with donuts from Los Angeles-based DREAM Donut Truck, and even wore a very appropriate Wu-Tang Clan inspired “Donuts Rule Everything Around Me,” shirt.
“Some cops were not cool with it, but most understood the joke and went with it,” Antonyan said.
It was a pretty ballsy video, but probably worth it, as the police officers’ reactions were pretty hilarious.
Maybe next time the officers will be more into it if he brings some milk, or coffee.