Irish People Try Jolly Ranchers For The First Time [WATCH]

When it comes to candy, Jolly Ranchers are one of the few we truly enjoy at any time of year. The fruit-flavored sweet comes in a variety of forms such as hard candy, jelly beans, lollipops, and gummies. If we had to pick, green apple Jolly Ranchers are the embodiment of candy itself.
The folks over at Facts decided to try the iconic confectionary for themselves, and rallied together a panel of lads and lasses to taste the sweets for the very first time.
Candy flavors include Fruit n’ Sour, Cinnamon Fire, Blue Raspberry Soda, and Awesome Twosome Bites.
Check out the video to see this group of Irish citizens get a sugar rush on camera and voice their opinions on the variety of Jolly Rancher flavors they toss in their mouths.
After all that candy, they’ll probably be wanting something pretty savory to even out all that sweetness. Might we recommend a heaping helping of shawarma fries?