Watch Irish People Try American Doritos For The First Time

You’re either down with Hot Cheetos or you’re down with Doritos. There’s really not much of a middle ground when it comes with to a bag of chips here in the United States. Unlike Cheetos, however, Doritos has quite a few more fan-favorite flavors to choose from, complete with iconic packaging.
The folks over at Facts got a panel of Irish men and women together to try different flavors of American Doritos for the first time. These flavors include Nacho Cheese, Cool Ranch, Salsa Verde, and After Dark: Tacos at Midnight.
Check out the video and see whether or not these lads and lasses like the seasoned tortilla chips. Definitely makes us want to grab a bag on the way home.
So what’s your favorite Doritos flavor? Personally, we’re on the Cool Ranch train.