Evian Water — Star Wars Edition

Evian water and Star Wars in the same sentence? Yes.

Designed by Amanda Brencys Carbonato and created in 3D by Diego Fonseca, these glass water bottles are shaped to look like the butt of of a lightsaber. Obviously the sexy chic silhouette of the bottles is a sight to behold, but what’s even more intriguing is the exquisite art direction and illustration on every bottle.

Something about the gold C-3PO bottle with the googley-eyed robot from Star Wars in cartoon form that puts a smile on my face. No word on these actually making a retail run just yet, but we’d be willing to plunk down a pretty penny or two on them if they ever became available.

Star Wars fans, rejoice? Water fans? Umm…..

[Via HighSnobiety/TheDieLine]

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