ESPN Gets Roasted For Their Weak Philly Cheesesteak Recipe Video

A Monday Night rivalry game in Philly deserves a good Philly cheesesteak.
— ESPN (@espn) October 21, 2017
This weekend, ESPN tried to be Foodbeast and posted a recipe video for their version of a Philly cheesesteak.
While it seemed like a standard recipe video with the proper requisites (shot from above, with generic background music, sped up hands throwing in ingredients), Philadelphians jumped in and completely dragged ESPN.
The primary folks on social media bashing the video reasoned that it did not seem to fit the criteria of what they felt was a tried and true cheesesteak.
Bleacher Report’s Max Rappaport kind of fanned the flames by saying, “Are those vegetables? What the fuck kind of cheesesteaks are these?” Things took off from there, as not many were amused by ESPN’s 45 second venture into the food world.
Are those vegetables? What the fuck kind of cheesesteaks are these?
— max (@MaxRappaport) October 21, 2017
Someone on Facebook even commented “…are you nuts putting Kraft cheese slices mixing it with provolone. You ask for that at any steak place in Philly, they’d stab ya and leave your bloody carcass in the alley behind the steak place.”
It was a nice try, and it made sense because the Philadelphia Eagles were scheduled to play on Monday Night Football, but like Lavar Ball has said in the past, “Stay in your lane.”
I will not claim to be a Philly cheesesteak expert, but it sounds like ESPN did not do it justice. Check out some of the hottest burns below:
People in Philly like….
— Ron Sullivan (@RonSullivan215) October 21, 2017
I thought those hands looked familiar
— Glennjamin (@theglennjamin) October 22, 2017
congrats on the fajitas
— Lance Becker (@LaBeck81) October 21, 2017
I couldn’t even figure out what you just made, but no.
— Steve Vassalotti (@SteveVassMGK) October 22, 2017
Uh that’s not a cheesesteak #outoftouch @espn
— Steve Clark (@STEVEJCLARK85) October 22, 2017
Don’t deserve to use the word cheesesteak
— Sean Blees (@sugarfree_swag) October 21, 2017
my biggest problem was the 2 and half inch thick cuts of meat
— Chris Mannara (@topherr4) October 21, 2017