Prepare To Be Indulged By This Luxurious Short Rib Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Grilled cheese sandwiches are one of the most satisfying comfort foods out there. (Just ask Jeff.) The simple blend of warm, toasty bread, gooey cheese, and flavorful butter come together in just the perfect indulgence in this sandwich.
Of course, like anything else, you can take grilled cheeses to the next level. Or even levels above that. Elm Street Diner’s grilled cheese bypasses all suchĀ levels and shoots straight up to ultimate indulgence.
That’s because on top of layers of mozzarella and cheddar that our Foodbeast friends over at @devourpowerĀ captured in the perfect cheese pull Instagram video above, Elm Street takes the coziness of a grilled cheese and combines it with succulent and luxurious beef short ribs.
Throw in some caramelized onions, and the result is a perfect blend ofĀ flavor and contentment that’ll melt away any stress you’ve been feeling. So go ahead, pull on up and enjoy this sandwich. It’s the most satisfying one-way ticket to a nap you can chow down on.