
Woman Found Dead In Elevator, Literally Starved To Death

In some pretty careless maintenance work, a 42-year-old woman was reportedly trapped in an elevator for a month before eventually starving to death.

Apparently the maintenance crew for an apartment in Xi'an, China took a whole month off for Chinese New Year, came back and found the woman's body in the broken elevator, according to Los Angeles Times.

The elevator was supposedly inspected before the workers went on their vacation, but police say all the workers did was yell into the broken elevator, assuming everything was fine when they didn't hear a response.


If hydrated, the human body can survive without food between 30 to 40 days, according to the Public Library of Science, but this woman had absolutely no way of hydrating.

In comparison, even Gandhi drank sips of water during his famous 21-day hunger strikes.

Chinese news outlets reported that the woman may have been mentally ill and her family just thought she had gotten lost. The woman was even reported missing, but that's as far as that search effort went.

Other residents in the building were pissed by the incident and staged a protest, hoping for a change in management.