Eating Chocolate Can Lower BMI?

No, it’s not Easter magic. It’s science. A study that was published in the Archives of Internal Medicine that states among a group of 1,000 Californians, ranging from the ages of 20 to 85, the inviduals who eat more chocolate tend to have a lower BMI (Body Mass Index) than those who don’t eat the sweet stuff as often. Though there is no direct correalation between stuffing yourself with chocolate and losing weight, chocolate does show to provide lots of antioxidants

One of the study’s authors, Dr. Beatrice Golomb, from the University of Califonia, San Diego states that chocolate is rich with antioxidants that protects us from oxidative stress, which can harm cell metabolism.

While the study does not find a direct link between chocolate and weight loss, it does provide a strong argument for the theory and allows for further research.

Note: Body Mass Index is the measurement of height to weight.

via: Huffington Post

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