This Is Where Durian Gets Its Notorious Stench From [WATCH]

durian stench

Durian is without a doubt one of the most well-known fruits in the world. People prize it for its amazing flavor, though its notorious for its stench that can stink up entire subway trains. While we love comparing the aroma and taste of this fruit, it’s hard to understand why it’s so odoriferous.

Luckily, the American Chemical Society (ACS) is here to help us understand the science behind this pungent produce. Their latest video to the ACS’s YouTube channel, Reactions, breaks down why durian has such a strong and unpleasant odor. This includes talking about the specific chemicals responsible for the fruit’s overall aroma profile. Additionally, the ACS talks about why durian’s stench is so strong and persistent, especially for humans. There’s also a discussion as to why some people can tolerate the smell more than others.

Overall, the ACS is aiming to sharpen your understanding of the fruit and sensory science by breaking down durian’s aroma. Hopefully, after you watch the video, you’ll be able to better comprehend what’s really going on when you smell durian. Perhaps you’ll even want to try some of the fruit for yourself, if you haven’t already. The fragrance may be unbearable to you at first, but trust me, the actual fruit is absolutely delicious.

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