This Bar Uses Coasters From Drunk Drivers’ Wreckage To Teach Sobering Lesson

There’s no better way to spend your night than grabbing a brewski with your friends, enjoying a few laughs, and looking down at a drink coaster that insinuates death.
The Emmet Ray whiskey bar in Toronto, Canada reminded its patrons to drive responsibly, through drink coasters made of cars involved in drunk driving accidents, according to Global News.
The surface of the coasters read, “This coaster used to be a car. That car never made it home.”
It’s a pretty chilling statement, whether you’re sober or wasted.
The bar teamed up with Arrive Alive, an organization that raises awareness of drunk driving, and the car parts were donated by an auto body shop in Vancouver.
According to Arrive Alive, the coasters were shaped with a hydraulic press, and the laser-etched with the chilling message.
It might not be something you want to see on a night that you’re out with friends and family, trying to have a good time, but if it helps save a life or two, it’s definitely worth it.