Drake Has Everyone Thinking He Secretly Owns A Restaurant
From popular hip hop sites, to food blogs, the vague details of Drake’s appearance at a Toronto restaurant has the world thinking he’s the one running it.
Drake’s been a tease, setting the hip hop and food world ablaze with this opening, which the Toronto restaurant probably appreciates.
The place is called Fring’s and will for sure be run by the sons of popular Toronto Chef, and friend of Drake, Susur Lee.
Drake posted photos of himself at Fring’s restaurant in Toronto with the caption, “Them boys up to something,” which undoubtedly means he’s proud of the Lee boys.
Naturally, when Drake makes an appearance at a random place, it makes you think he probably owns it, but Levi Bent-Lee told CBC News, Drake’s just a good friend and has no financial business in the restaurant:
“[Drake’s] a good friend of ours and he’s a supporter of ours. Just being a friend of his and asking his opinion on certain things has been a blessing.”
@unimerce_ made me so proud last night!! Killing her set @fringstoronto A photo posted by champagnepapi (@champagnepapi) on
Drake himself hasn’t confirmed any involvement with the restaurant either, and just like we don’t know who leaked those ghost-written tracks, we might never know if Drake’s actually got money in it, or not.
Maybe Quentin Miller is ghost-owning this place for Drake.
One thing’s for sure, you’ll probably see him there often, as he was filled with excitement over the opening.
If you’ve got Drake’s blessing, you’ve definitely got yourself a hit restaurant.
h/t Everyone who wrote vague articles about Drake’s appearance at Fring’s