Survivalist Dog Grabs His Food And Flees To Safety After Hurricane Harvey

Nothing says “American strength” like seeing a dog walk through a hurricane, holding a bag of dog food in its mouth in order to survive.
Otis the dog went missing after Houston, Texas’ weekend disaster that was Hurricane Harvey. The moment owner Salvador Segovia, 65, realized the German Shepherd went missing, he jumped in his truck and started looking for the dog, according to Chron.
Apparently Otis the dog saw how badly the storm hit that Friday, so he decided to grab his food and get the hell out of there.
Thankfully, Segovia was able to find Otis and bring him back home to safety, Saturday, but not before a now famous snapshot was taken of Otis fleeing with the bag of dog food in his possession.
Tiele Dockens took a peek outside at all the damage in her town and saw the dog carrying out its disaster plan. She did not know whose dog it was, she just thought the resourcefulness of the pooch was quite amusing. Her photo amassed over 11,000 likes and was shared 36,000 times on Facebook, as people saw this pup as a symbol of strength through tragedy.
He sounds like a pretty damn special dog, as Segovia detailed that Otis is allowed to frequent Dairy Queen on his own to get a hamburger. Not sure how the payment system works there, but it sounds legit.
If you are unprepared for the impending zombie apocalypse and have no idea how you’d find food for yourself, you better hope you have a bad-ass dog like Otis by your side.