
These Activists Tried Protesting Hot Dogs At A Dodger Game, Got Tackled Immediately

It's not unusual to see people run on a baseball field in the middle of a game. You drink one too many beers, have some kick-ass seats and think to yourself, "Why not get banned from a stadium for 5-10 seconds of attention?"

This display of stupidity seemed a bit more premeditated as five people ran onto the Dodger Stadium field holding banners that read, "Dodgers torture animals," causing a delay in the L.A. Dodger game against the Colorado Rockies, Sunday afternoon.


No, the Dodgers didn't get caught in some underground dog fighting ring, and aren't kicking kittens in the locker room, they just sell hot dogs. The activist group called Direct Attention Everywhere, is pissed that Dodger Dogs are made out of piglets, and want the ballpark to stop selling meat products.

Anyway, it was't long until security caught all five protesters, took them down and carried them off the field. The group probably got the attention they wanted, though.


The funniest part of this whole thing was DXE saying:

"It's unfortunate their nonviolent protest was met with such rough treatment by security, but we're hopeful this starts a constructive dialogue about responsible corporate practices."

If you sprint toward a professional athlete, on a technically privately-owned ballpark, you will get tackled 100 out of 100 times. They had every right to protest whatever they wanted, but if they put others in a potentially dangerous situation, that's when tasers come out.

"Peaceful," or not, running on the field is dumb, and dumber if you're not even drunk.