Dirt Bark

Sounds suspect, doesn’t it?  Quell your fears! This treat contains neither dirt nor bark; however, it does contain worms.

I’m sure many of you are familiar with Dirt Cake, in which no actual cake is involved. It’s basically a lot of dairy (cream cheese, butter, milk, pudding, and Cool Hwhip) layered with crushed Oreos and gummy worms.

Dirt Bark is just like that, only in chocolate bark form:

Dirt Bark


– 1 bag white chocolate chips

– 1pkg (3.4oz) vanilla pudding

– 1 ½ cups Oreos, crushed

– 1 small bag (4oz?) Sour Gummy Worms, chopped (Side note: regular gummies drool; sour gummies rule!)


1. Pre-game: chop your gummies (in fourths), crush your Oreos and line a cookie sheet with wax paper.

2. Melt entire bag of white chocolate chips and then add in dry pudding mix and a heaping 1/4c of crushed Oreos.

3. Spread out chocolate/pudding/Oreo mix onto wax-lined cookie sheet.

4. Sprinkle Sour Gummy Worms evenly over bark and give them a good smush into the chocolate.

5. Pour the remaining crushed Oreos over the bark until covered and smash the crumbs into the bark.

6. Put in freezer until set and then break in to pieces.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: AAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawesooooooooooooooome!!! The combo of the white chocolate and the Oreos and the sour gummies is, dare I say it, TRI-winning!

There is plenty of opportunity to mix it up a bit in both your choice of pudding and cookie. Chocolate pudding and Nilla Wafers would be a great way to switch things around. Regardless, I would advise making the above recipe first and making it as soon as vampire-ly possible (human speed just won’t cut it this time).

For more down and dirt-y recipes, check out The Cereal Baker.

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