Introducing The Ding Dong/Twinkie Mashup You Didn’t Know You Needed

You’ve enjoyed a Ding Dong. You’ve devoured a Twinkie or two (or ten) in your lifetime. But now you can enjoy them both as Hostess introduces the Ding Dongs X Twinkies Mashups, a collaboration of Twinkie cakes and filling covered in Ding Dongs’ fudgy goodness.
We aren’t strangers to insanely delicious mashups (remember when we got a Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Lucky Charms collab?) so seeing a Ding Dong-shaped Twinkie cake wrapped in tasty Ding Dong fudge only adds fuel to the munchie fire. Why choose one or the other when you could simply have both?
These tasty treats, Hostess says, are officially a permanent addition to their wide variety of products. The latest mashups come in a box of ten individually wrapped cakes and are available nationwide today.