Man Dines And Dashes Straight Into The Sea After Eating Hundreds Of Dollars In Seafood

If you can’t afford to pay for dinner, you probably shouldn’t order hundreds of dollars in food. We feel this should be pretty common sense by now.
An Australian man and aspiring rapper found himself in hot water after he ordered $621 in seafood from Omeros Bros Restaurant in Main Beach, reports ABC Australia. Items he allegedly devoured included one baby octopus, two lobsters, 17 oyster shooters, and a lot of beer.
Not wanting to pay for such a lavish meal, Terry Peck (aka 2pec) decided to partake in the age-old art of dining and dashing.
What sets this particular dine-and-dash tale apart from countless others is that this guy decided he could make a clean break straight into the ocean. Check out this footage of his beach arrest.
Like Poseidon himself, the patron ran into the ocean.
Unfortunately for the dimwitted diner, authorities jumped into a life guard boat and pursued him.
So why did 2pec decide to take off into the ocean like the devil himself was chasing him? Peck claimed that he only left the restaurant to help a friend who was giving birth on the beach.
Could that friend of his possibly be Princess Atlanna of Atlantis? Either way, Peck says that he was arrested by authorities before he could find his friend.
He is currently facing charges of stealing and two counts of assault of a police officer.