Can Your Squad Survive This Insane Death Taco Roulette Challenge?

WARNING: The following spicy challenge may kill all of your tastebuds, and will probably cause division amongst your friends.

If you choose to accept this challenge, then grab nine of your best buds and head over to GenkiYaki in Lakewood, California for a true test of your will and friendships. It comes in the form of the “Reverse Death Taco Roulette,” a spicy squad-centered challenge that will leave one person feeling lucky and everyone else resenting that friend for the rest of the night.

Here’s how it goes down: 10 tacos are presented to you and your compadres all at once. One of these tacos is an innocent “Ninja Taco” that contains no heat. The other nine contain a sauce that burns like the depths of hell and nearly killed two of our own Foodbeasts in the past. Peep the video below to revisit that level of pain.

Now, according to YouTube channel This Is Mythical, the fiery Death Sauce that laces these street eats dials in at 100,000 Scoville units, which is milder than a habanero pepper but about 50 times the heat of Sriracha. Judging by the reactions of our own Foodbeast members and the people who tried the tacos in the This Is Mythical video, that’s an extremely low estimate of just how fiery this is.

If you’re ready to play with the heat, jump on in with your friends and see who survives this trial of fire unscathed. And if you are the survivor, be a good sport and finish off somebody else’s spicy taco. Sharing the pain in tough times is what true friends do, after all.

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